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AMD Continues OpenCL™ Leadership with First Fully-Conformant OpenCL™ 1.2 Solution

AMD Continues OpenCL™ Leadership with First Fully-Conformant OpenCL™ 1.2 Solution

June 07, 2012 – Sunnyvale, USA (Techreleased) -AMD  today announced continued leadership in driving OpenCL™ adoption with availability of the AMD APP SDK 2.7, featuring the first conformant implementation of OpenCL™ 1.2 and comprehensive support for C++.1 The new SDK expands the OpenCL™ application ecosystem by providing developers a powerful, cross-platform solution to unlock the performance […]


Posted On June 7, 2012
AMD Continues OpenCL™ Leadership with First Fully-Conformant OpenCL™ 1.2 Solution
AMD Continues OpenCL™ Leadership with First Fully-Conformant OpenCL™ 1.2 Solution

AMD Continues OpenCL™ Leadership with First Fully-Conformant OpenCL™ 1.2 SolutionAMD Continues OpenCL™ Leadership with First Fully-Conformant OpenCL™ 1.2 Solution

June 07, 2012 – Sunnyvale, USA (Techreleased) -AMD  today announced continued leadership in driving OpenCL™ adoption with availability of the AMD APP SDK 2.7, featuring the first conformant implementation of OpenCL™ 1.2 and comprehensive support for C++.1 The new SDK expands the OpenCL™ application ecosystem by providing developers a powerful, cross-platform solution to unlock the performance of AMD GPUs, APUs, and multi-core CPUs with the added C++ wrapper API and AMD’s C++ kernel language for greater efficiency, improved productivity and application robustness2.

“AMD continues leading the OpenCL™ movement, as demonstrated with the release of our latest SDK featuring the industry’s first fully-conformant OpenCL™ 1.2 implementation,” said Manju Hegde, corporate vice president, Heterogeneous Applications and Developer Solutions, AMD. “Our latest development tools empower developers to more easily harness the power of heterogeneous computing to help improve the user experience by making it easy to write applications that can take greater advantage of the compute capabilities of AMD’s leading CPUs, GPUs and APUs.”

Support for the  second generation AMD A-Series APUs and AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 Series GPUs is now available with the AMD APP SDK 2.7.  The new SDK also includes updated versions of both gDEBugger, APP ML, APP profiler and kernel analyzer updates. For complete details on the AMD APP SDK 2.7 features, capabilities and support, visit the AMD Developer blog or download the AMD APP SDK 2.7 now from AMD Developer Central.

AMD APP SDK 2.7 Key Features

  • OpenCL™ 1.2

    • Host access flags for memory objects
    • Pattern-based GPU buffer and image initialization
    • New generalized image creation API
    • Enhanced image/buffer map operations
  • C++ Wrapper API

    • Defaults for platform, queue, device, etc. significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code required
    • Improved simplified constructors for cl::Buffer and addition of cl::copy functions
    • Additional support of events when using functors
  • C++ Kernel language

    • Kernel and function overloading
    • Inheritance
    • Templates

The developer ecosystem continues to optimize applications by implementing OpenCL™ to leverage the unmatched level of compute processing capabilities of GPU acceleration, as more than 100 applications and games are currently accelerated by AMD APUs. Developers who want to engage in the industry’s move toward heterogeneous computing should attend the upcoming AMD Fusion Developer Summit (AFDS). AFDS provides a unique opportunity to hear first-hand from, and network with, developers as part of approximately 30 sessions related to implementing OpenCL™, including sessions on math libraries, open source libraries, applications and tools. More information on OpenCL™ 1.2 will be provided in session PT4290 and on OpenCL™ Static C++ in session PL3660. To learn more about AFDS

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