WebRTC Global Summit 2014 — Apr 01-02, 2014 — London, UK. WebRTC is a new OpenSource Real Time Communication technique now freely available for use across multiple browsers and platforms without the need for plugins or downloads. Yet as bandwidth increases, computer video technology is improved and content creators becoming more innovative, what does this mean for real time communication as we know it? Does telephony and VoIP still have a place in this bold new era, or could web broadcasting become all-encompassing? Just how disruptive does WebRTC stand to be? Who stands to support this new technology and who will get left behind?
Bringing together leading telcos, mobile operators, OTT/VoIP players, web developers, analysts, regulators and key enterprise players from across the world, WebRTC Global Summit will cover all the key issues in detail from a uniquely commercial and strategic perspective through a mix of incisive keynote presentations and debate. This standalone, single-stream, two-day event will also evaluate the technology’s impact on the industry, asking to what extent will WebRTC revolutionise the communications industry as we know it?
Join us in London to network with the entire WebRTC ecosystem!
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