Monday, Feb 03rd 25

Blue Thunder Delivered By Ulstein Verft

Blue Thunder Delivered By Ulstein Verft

PSV Blue Thunder Delivered – May 13, 2013– Dallas, USA  (Techreleased) – Ulstein Verft delivered ‘Blue Thunder’, the fourth of six medium-sized platform supply vessels of the PX121 design from ULSTEIN® to Blue Ship Invest, on Monday 13 May 2013. PSV Blue Thunder News Details Owned by Blue Ship Invest, a wholly-owned company in Ulstein Group, […]


Posted On May 14, 2013
PSV Blue Thunder

PSV Blue Thunder Delivered – May 13, 2013– Dallas, USA  (Techreleased) – Ulstein Verft delivered ‘Blue Thunder’, the fourth of six medium-sized platform supply vessels of the PX121 design from ULSTEIN® to Blue Ship Invest, on Monday 13 May 2013.

PSV Blue Thunder

PSV Blue Thunder

PSV Blue Thunder News Details

Owned by Blue Ship Invest, a wholly-owned company in Ulstein Group, the platform supply vessel (PSV) is commercially and technically under the management of Atlantic Offshore. ‘Blue Thunder’ will enter a 4-month contract with Statoil, with 4 monthly options.

“We have received good feedback from the operators on her three sister vessels, and we are very pleased that this ship also enters into a contract for work in the North Sea,” says Gunvor Ulstein, CEO of Ulstein Group and Managing Director of Ulstein Shipping, adding that the remaining two vessels will be delivered later this year and all six vessels are for sale.

In the North Sea, PSVs of the PX121 designs are considered medium-sized. The vessels with this design have an optimal combination of fuel-efficiency and deadweight. They have the capacities and performance close to the segment for larger PSVs, but at a cost that provides excellent value-for-money.

The vessels’ X-BOW® hull line design offers efficiency over a wide draught range, which is important for PSVs as they frequently operate with varying loads. Moreover, the X-BOW has unique, beneficial qualities in terms of motion and propulsion efficiency in heavy seas. Both the hull and choice of propulsion system make the vessels particularly suited for North Sea and North Atlantic conditions.

‘Blue Thunder’ has a length of 83.4 metres and a beam of 18 metres, and keeps a maximum speed of approximately 16 knots. She has a load capacity of 4,200 tonnes (dwt), and the 850 square metre cargo deck can carry a deck load of 2,200 tonnes. In addition to tanks for oil, water and drilling fluids, the vessel has four stainless steel tanks for flammable liquids. ‘Blue Thunder’ has modern accommodation for 23 persons, she is equipped with a dynamic positioning system IMO class II and meets the requirements of DNV’s Clean Design notation.

Ulstein Power & Control has delivered the electrical systems on board, including power distribution and electrical propulsion system, the information and communication system ULSTEIN COM®, modular consoles and integrated navigation systems and the integrated automation system ULSTEIN IAS®.

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