Monday, Mar 10th 25

Dec 05-07, 2012 — IPTC 2012 Beijing, China

Dec 05-07, 2012 — IPTC 2012 Beijing, China


IPTC 2012
IPTC 2012

IPTC 2012

Dec 05-07, 2012 — IPTC 2012 Beijing, China. The International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) is an international oil & gas conference and exhibition. The event rotates between various venues in the Eastern Hemisphere. The scope of the conference programme and associated industry activities will address technology and relevant industry issues that challenge industry specialists and management around the world.

The IPTC is a collaborative effort among the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG); the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE); the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG); and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). The synergy of these four, leading, individual-member driven societies provides the most comprehensive opportunity to form multi‑disciplinary committees and an outstanding technical programme.

The sixth International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) will be held 5-7 December 2012 at the China World Exhibition Hall in Beijing, China. This edition will be the first IPTC held in China and will be hosted by China’s largest oil and gas producer, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), and co-hosted by the world’s largest non-governmental producer of oil and natural gas, Exxon Mobil Corporation.

Website: http://iptcnet.org/

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