Teenagers live in a completely different world to their parents. In their parents’ day, reality TV was unheard of. At the weekend, instead of updating Facebook, young people spent their time hanging out with friends in the real world. It was a more wholesome place, less troubled by body hang-ups and a massive sense of […]
BY Editor
Posted On December 11, 2013Teenagers live in a completely different world to their parents. In their parents’ day, reality TV was unheard of. At the weekend, instead of updating Facebook, young people spent their time hanging out with friends in the real world. It was a more wholesome place, less troubled by body hang-ups and a massive sense of entitlement. But time has moved on and today’s modern teenager deems it their God given right to have a mobile phone and any number of other technological gadgets. So, if your teenage daughter is begging you to buy her a new iPhone (or any of the latest handsets), is it a good idea to invest, or should you suggest she starts saving her pocket money instead?
There is little point in making an executive decision about what handset to buy. Teenage girls are extremely opinionated and just because you think Blackberry is cool it doesn’t mean they will agree. And if you buy the wrong handset you can look forward to months of intense sulking and histrionics.
There is no doubt that mobile phones can be expensive in the wrong hands. Teenagers in particular are very good at using their phones 24/7 and then acting surprised when the bill is several hundred pounds worth at the end of the month. However, you can avoid this problem by opting for a SIM only deal with built in free minutes, texts and data. You will get more for your money than a standard mobile contract. It will also be a shorter contract term—some are available for as little as one month.
Teenagers are renowned for their excessive phone usage. It is not unusual for a teenager to send several thousand text messages in one day. In fact how they get anything done is a miracle. However, teenagers need to be taught to use their mobile phones sensibly. This means not texting all night long and definitely not accessing Facebook whilst on holiday abroad. The best way to avoid any problems is to make it quite clear in the beginning that you will withdraw all phone privileges if your daughter isn’t sensible about how she uses her phone. The threat of losing her precious phone should be enough to keep her in line.
Before buying a new mobile phone for a teenager, look into what deals are on offer. 1 year SIM only contacts represent great value, but if you can’t afford to buy a mobile handset up front, you may have to opt for a standard contract instead.
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