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How To Choose Between A PDF Or TIFF Document Format

How To Choose Between A PDF Or TIFF Document Format

If you are scanning and storing a large number of documents then you may be faced by a difficult decision: Whether to use a TIFF or PDF document format. To make your decision easier, below you can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of the two major document format types. The Advantages Of PDF […]


Posted On January 10, 2014
PDF Or TIFF Document Format

If you are scanning and storing a large number of documents then you may be faced by a difficult decision: Whether to use a TIFF or PDF document format. To make your decision easier, below you can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of the two major document format types.

PDF Or TIFF Document Format

The Advantages Of PDF

PDF was developed in 1993 by Adobe. It was designed to be a standard document format that could be viewed using any application. PDF is now one of the most common formats used for document scanning and storage. Some of the advantages of PDF include: Operating system independent – when you create and store documents you want to to be sure that you will be able to view this document for years to come no matter which operating system you might be using. Because PDF is operating system independent you will always be a will to retrieve and view essential documents. Comes in multiple formats – PDF comes in a variety of different formats so you can select one which best meets your requirements. Among these formats are PDF/E engineering, PDF/VT for variable data, and PDF/A are archiving. Well suited to the Internet – if you’re planning on distributing the document via the Internet then you want to use a document format that can be viewed by anyone. Virtually every application can be used to view PDF files. Printer friendly – PDF is generally considered to be more printer friendly than TIFF. If you think that the document will be printed out in the future then you should probably opt for PDF.

The advantages of TIFF

TIFF was developed before PDF in the mid-1980s by the Aldus Corporation. Originally TIFF was designed for black and white document formats but now can be used with all types of images including colour. Here are some of the advantages of using a TIFF document format: Requires less space – TIFF usually requires less for extra space then you would need with the PDF document. This is because the TIFF is a compressed document format. If you are storing a large amount of documents that TIFF is usually the better option. Suited for multi-page documents – with a multi-page document you can scan them all onto a single page using a TIFF document format. This can make it more efficient easier to scan, store and retrieve multi-page documents. Easier to add new pages – it is easier to add new pages that was originally scanned as a TIFF. This makes the format well suited to documentation that may require addendum’s or additional notes later on. As you can see there are some situations where a TIFF document format is more suitable and some were PDF will be the right solution. It is also worth remembering that you can convert PDF to TIFF buyout or a TIFF back to PDF later on. In some cases it may be worthwhile storing the document using both document styles. For example, providing a PDF for public consumption over the internet, while archiving a TIFF of the document for the company’s internal purposes. Choosing the right document format will ensure that storage and retrieval of your important documents remains cost effective and efficient.

Dave Simpson is a UK based blogger who has an interest in all things “Tech”. Dave also works for Clear Data, UK based document management company.

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