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Hyundai In Korea Builds DP3 VESSEL Design From Ulstein

Hyundai In Korea Builds DP3 VESSEL Design From Ulstein

Feb 22, 2013– Ulsteinvik, Norway  (Techreleased) – Toisa Ltd. signed a contract with Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for the construction of a Multipurpose Offshore Construction Vessel (MOCV) designed by ULSTEIN. The vessel is the first with X-BOW® hull line design to be built in Korea, and is a customized version of ULSTEIN’s Deepwater Enabler design. […]


Posted On February 22, 2013
Deepwater Enabler Vessels
Deepwater Enabler Vessels

Deepwater Enabler Vessels

Feb 22, 2013– Ulsteinvik, Norway  (Techreleased) – Toisa Ltd. signed a contract with Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for the construction of a Multipurpose Offshore Construction Vessel (MOCV) designed by ULSTEIN. The vessel is the first with X-BOW® hull line design to be built in Korea, and is a customized version of ULSTEIN’s Deepwater Enabler design.

The DP3 vessel is designed for worldwide operations in the oil and gas sector, ultra deepwater installation and construction, flexible lay, pipelay, cable lay and topside construction support. As such the design has been developed for maximum efficiency and cost effectiveness featuring heavy lift capabilities with Active Heave Compensation, two moonpools, upto 50 t/m2 deck strength and the X-BOW® hull line design from ULSTEIN.
‘What makes this vessel unique is that it is developed for coping with future requirements in mind’, says Bram Lambregts, Marketing and Sales Manager at Ulstein Sea of Solutions. ‘The good and very close cooperation with both Toisa and HHI resulted in a very versatile vessel design.’
Ulstein Sea of Solutions is a Netherland based company within ULSTEIN’s Design and Solutions business area, and the company has gained a solid reputation for developing innovative designs within the Heavy Offshore segment.

The vessel design includes a number of key features giving maximum capability and flexibility. These features include a fully Active Heave Compensated (AHC) offshore crane rated at 900 tonnes SWL with a depth capability of 3,500 metres and a second, knuckleboom, crane of 200 tonnes SWL with depth capability of 2,000 metres. Furthermore, the vessel can accommodate a 550t flex lay tower over the main moon pool and two 2,500 tonnes capacity carousel spaces below deck. From the enclosed hangar two large work class ROVs can be deployed to port and starboard side or through a central moon pool. The vessel will be delivered with all necessary interfaces to service both ROV’s and saturation dive system.

Main propulsion is provided by 3 stern azimuthing thrusters, powered by a diesel electric plant of 6 main generators. The machinery spaces are divided into 2 engine rooms each containing 3 of the main gensets. All machinery, power and control systems are physically separated throughout the vessel in full complaince with the requirements for IMO Equipment Class 3 DP. Vessel speed has been optimised to provide a fast transit speed between locations, while capacities are designed to give maximum endurance.

Full compliance with the SPS Code is a fundamental principle of the design, which includes arrangements to meet Comfort Class COMF-V(3) the highest working environment standard. Accommodation for 250 persons is provided including spacious cabins, offices, operations rooms and recreational areas.

The deck area of ca. 2,900 m2 is designed to give optimised clear space for the installation of project equipment such as pipelay spreads, and for the carriage and deployment of heavy offshore equipment for installation. The deck is specially strengthened up to 50t/m2 in key areas.

The vessel is designed, equipped and will be built to the highest standards and with maximum flexibility and capability in mind. A fully integrated vessel management and control system of all key functions will be fitted.

The Toisa MOCV is the first vessel to be build based on the Deepwater Enabler design and the largest vessel with an X-BOW® so far. The Deepwater Enabler is a vessel platform developed to allow owners to be more flexible towards changing market requirements and serve alternative subsea and offshore markets in the future.

Loa                                                 150.5 m
Lpp                                                 144.0 m
Beam (moulded)                       32.0 m
Depth (moulded)                       13.3 m
Draught (design)                         7.5 m


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