Kongsberg cNODE Transponders Built-in tilt Sensors Support LBL Operations – Dec 18, 2013– Kongsberg, Norway (Techreleased) – All cNODEtransponders have a built-in tilt sensor, which is particularly useful in LBL operations. Here we have an example from an offshore field where mattresses are being installed in water depth of 330m. The ROV is using a […]
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Posted On December 18, 2013Kongsberg cNODE Transponders Built-in tilt Sensors Support LBL Operations – Dec 18, 2013– Kongsberg, Norway (Techreleased) – All cNODEtransponders have a built-in tilt sensor, which is particularly useful in LBL operations. Here we have an example from an offshore field where mattresses are being installed in water depth of 330m. The ROV is using a cPAP® subsea transceiver and a Long Base Line array of 7 cNODE® transponders for high accuracy navigation.
12:12 |
APOS shows large residuals on range measurements from the transponder in location 6. |
12:13 |
Readings from the built-in tilt sensor in the transponder indicate the stand has fallen over. |
12:19 |
The ROV confirms visually that the transponder stand has fallen over. |
12:24 |
The transponder stand is placed upright again. |
12:34 |
New baseline measurements to/from the transponder in location 6 starts. |
12:40 |
The transponder is calibrated into the array again, the LBL array is operational and LBL positioning of the ROV commences. |
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