Monday, Mar 10th 25

Pimp Your Pad: How To Instantly Make Your iPad 75% More Awesome

Pimp Your Pad: How To Instantly Make Your iPad 75% More Awesome

If you’ve just got a new iPad, you probably want to make it yours by customising it, right? We know the feeling! Having a brand new iPad is great feeling, but you need to customise it to really make it your own. Luckily for you, we’ve got some awesome ways you can pimp your iPad […]


Posted On March 11, 2014

If you’ve just got a new iPad, you probably want to make it yours by customising it, right? We know the feeling! Having a brand new iPad is great feeling, but you need to customise it to really make it your own. Luckily for you, we’ve got some awesome ways you can pimp your iPad and make it approximately 75% more awesome. Read on to find out how:

iPadCharge It

Want to make your iPad 75% more awesome? Charge it! Ok, so this isn’t really a way you can pimp your iPad, but more charge is a sure way to make your iPad run more efficiently and ooze awesomeness.

Add a Case

Simply add a case to your iPad to make it look cooler. You’ll have the added benefit of keeping your iPad protected too! You can find plenty of cool cases online, and even some that make your iPad look like a notebook! We think the Shinola leather iPad case is a beauty.

Invest in a Skin

A skin is a good alternative to a case, as it adds less bulk and some prefer the feel of it. Gelli cases are see through too, so you can show off your iPad with pride.

Change Your Background

You can download some great themes for your iPad to change the way the whole thing looks, or you can simply download a cool background you like the look of.

Cover it in Gems

Why not watch a Youtube tutorial and discover how you can cover your iPad in sparkly, pretty gems to make it look glam?

Add Stickers/Decals

Add stickers that you like to your iPad, or a clever decal. You can even buy iPod decals that make it look like Homer Simpson is eating the Apple logo, or decals that turn it into a box of apple juice!

Download Great Apps

Great apps are what makes your iPad yours and yours alone. The collection of apps you have sum you up, and relate to your interests and loves only. You could download social media apps like Facebook and Instagram, photography apps like VSCO, fitness apps like MyFitnessPal, and loads more!

Organise Your Apps

Once you’ve downloaded your apps, organise them into folders so you don’t have to scroll for ages before finding the one you want.

Have it Gold Plated

Yes, it’s a little extravagant – but there are companies out there who will gold plate your iPad for you! If you’ve got the money spare, getting your iPad gold plated is a sure way to make it 75% more awesome.

Have it Engraved

Having your iPad engraved with your name and number is the perfect way to make it yours and safeguard it from crime. You could even have an inspirational/motivational quote engraved on it.

Now you can quickly get to work on your new iPad to make it yours – our tips are guaranteed to make it at least 75% more awesome, or your money back*!
*No money will be refunded to you in the event that your iPad does not get 75% more awesome. Sorry.

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