Dec 03, 2012– London, UK (Techreleased) – Mechanical float level switches are amongst the simplest, most widely used, level products in marine tank level measurement and pump control. The newest additions to the company’s KD series provide a practical replacement alternative, especially where original products may now be difficult to obtain due to obsolescence or […]
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Posted On December 3, 2012Dec 03, 2012– London, UK (Techreleased) – Mechanical float level switches are amongst the simplest, most widely used, level products in marine tank level measurement and pump control. The newest additions to the company’s KD series provide a practical replacement alternative, especially where original products may now be difficult to obtain due to obsolescence or cost issues.
PSM has successfully sold its hazardous use approved and marine certificated range of KD series mechanical float level switches to new build shipyards and repair yards all over the world. With options to cover all common construction options, now also including the Mobrey “A Pattern Square Flange”, the KD series offers an economical solution, available for fast delivery.
Mechanical float level switches, which can be horizontally or vertically mounted, provide high-level or low-level detection of liquids in all types of vessels and often form an important control or safety function. Typical fluids measured include fuel oil, lubricants, sea water and bilge waste. These fluids provide a challenge because of the compatibility issue with the with float switch construction materials used, such as metals, plastics and rubbers. There may also be a flammable gas or liquid present near the installation requiring a device certified as safe for use in this hazardous area.
The environment on board ships is harsh with wide variations of temperature and humidity, as well as a build-up of oil or grease waste. Additionally the limited space onboard means that the installation is not always easy to access for routine testing or maintenance, so any switches installed must be capable of operating for many years without fault.
Consequently the demands placed on these products are onerous and only those designed and constructed specifically for marine use will prove to be reliable and safe over the long term.
With a rugged construction suitable for extreme marine environments, PSM’s KD series mechanical float level switches are capable of meeting all these demands and, in addition, are approved and certificated for marine applications by many of the leading global type approval organisations as well as hazardous area installation according to the ATEX EExd approval, demonstrating to PSM customers that the switches are suitable for every application.
PSM offers a wide range of both vertically and horizontally mounted float switch models that will suit each specific application, with single or dual levels switches and multiple combinations of high and low level functions.
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