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Sept 01-01, 2012 — InterAgroBusiness 2012 Odessa, Ukraine

Sept 01-01, 2012 — InterAgroBusiness 2012 Odessa, Ukraine


InterAgroBusiness 2012
 InterAgroBusiness 2012

InterAgroBusiness 2012

Sept 01-01, 2012 — InterAgroBusiness 2012 Odessa, Ukraine.II International specialized exhibition “InterAgroBusiness” had taken place with success in September 24-25, 2010 in Odessa region, Belyaevsky region.

Comprehensive support of the project was provided by the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine, Odessa regional state administration, Odessa Institute of agroindustrial production, association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club”.

More then 80 companies from Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia, Poland, Germany and Greece took part in the exhibition. They presented agrarian mechanics and spare parts, equipment for processing and agricultural products storage, fertilizers and agro chemistry, leading technologies of farming, services in AIC etc. Besides, visitors of the exhibition got the opportunity to estimate the potential of the Odessa region in the field of pig breeding, sheep breeding, rabbit breeding, horse breeding, horned cattle, poultry farming, beekeeping, and also fish economy. The novelties in the sphere of veterinary medicine of Odessa region was represented by the separate exposition.

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