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Software Telco Congress Explores New ETSI Specifications For NFV

Software Telco Congress Explores New ETSI Specifications For NFV

Software Telco Congress Explores New ETSI Specifications for NFV – Oct 23, 2013– Norwalk, USA (Techreleased) – With standards bodies such as the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) releasing the first specifications for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), carriers’ path to software-based networks is becoming a reality. These new developments will be a part of the focus […]


Posted On October 23, 2013
Software Telco Congress

Software Telco Congress Explores New ETSI Specifications for NFV – Oct 23, 2013– Norwalk, USA (Techreleased) – With standards bodies such as the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) releasing the first specifications for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), carriers’ path to software-based networks is becoming a reality. These new developments will be a part of the focus at Software Telco Congress, held November 20-21, 2013, in Santa Clara, Calif.

Software Telco CongressNFV aims to simplify the rollout of new network services, reduce deployment and operational costs and encourage innovation. Software Telco Congress is designed around the benefits and opportunities that NFV presents. As network functions begin to be interwoven, carriers can place resources outside their traditional footprint in order to provide more responsive service. This capability also allows carriers to grow revenue opportunities by providing virtualized services to enterprise customers. Programming at Software Telco Congress will explore the transition from network hardware to software, and the service delivery flexibility that can be achieved by doing so.

Specific NFV-focused sessions at Software Telco Congress include:

  • NFV: Making it Real- Alcatel-Lucent’s David Amzallag, VP & CTO of Virtual Telecommunications and Cloud Solutions, will deliver this keynote presentation to explore the key attributes that are needed to build a NFV platform, the lessons learned from Alcatel-Lucent’s own journey toward NFV and insights from NFV projects around the world.
  • From Legacy to Virtual: First Steps Toward a Software Telco- This panel discussion addresses the questions every telco should ask when beginning its more to NFV, including which cloud environment is most appropriate, how to ensure interoperability with existing infrastructure, how will a fully virtualized telco impact power requirements, what tools are needed to manage NFV and more.
  • NFV and SDN: Friend or Foe? This session answers the questions surrounding NFV’s relationship to SDN. Is each dependent upon the other? Can the benefits of NFV be realized without SDN? Can SDN enhance performance, simplify deployments and reduce costs of moving to a software-based telco network?
  • Is Open Source the Key to NFV Success? This panel discussion will look at open source as the latest “secret sauce” to reducing costs as opposed to the traditional development of large scale networks on bespoke hardware.
  • Getting it Right: Performance Testing and Limitations of COTS- This panel will explore how telcos can ensure their NFV solution functions properly when moving to a software model.
  • Monetizing NFV- Discover how leveraging NFV will allow service providers to transform their business into low-risk, high-return, innovative success stories. This session will explore how to maximize technology investments to drive subscriber satisfaction and loyalty and react quickly to changing requirements.
  • Lessons from Network Function Virtualization Experience- This session draws upon the experiences of managing, maintaining and testing thousands of virtual networks across both operator and enterprise networks and in research labs.

“NFV presents an incredible, monumental opportunity for the telco ecosystem. Recent specifications are alive with new business models that will allow carriers more flexibility and far less risk when rolling out lucrative new services and competing in a market where new entrants are the norm,” said Rich Tehrani, TMC CEO and conference chairman. “Software Telco Congress delivers the information needed for any telco to consider the move to NFV and the education and resources to make that transformation successful.”

Software Telco Congress is supported by Diamond Sponsors Metaswitch, ADTRAN and Alcatel-Lucent; Platinum Sponsors Genband, Saisei and Sansay; Gold Sponsors Lemko and Netronome; and Silver Sponsors Aculab and Porta One.

Registration for Software Telco Congress is now open. Special packages are available for resellers. Contact Frank Coppola at 203-852-6800 x131 for more information. For media inquiries, contact Ashley Baster. Companies interested in exhibiting, sponsorship or advertising packages for Software Telco Congress should contact TMC’s Dave Rodriguez.

For the latest EVENT news, updates and information, follow on Twitter at @SoftwareTelco.

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