Tuesday, Feb 18th 25

Some Interesting Information About The Mobile Advertising Industry

Some Interesting Information About The Mobile Advertising Industry

In the past five years, a new revolution in commerce has moved to the forefront – people want/need information on the go. Companies that are slow to realize the importance of providing mobile advertising are falling behind competitors that are embracing the new world of mobile computing. To put it bluntly, the popular statistical reference […]


Posted On February 25, 2015

In the past five years, a new revolution in commerce has moved to the forefront – people want/need information on the go. Companies that are slow to realize the importance of providing mobile advertising are falling behind competitors that are embracing the new world of mobile computing. To put it bluntly, the popular statistical reference website statista stated mobile advertising spending in the United States is estimated to jump from approximately 17 billion dollars in 2014 to 26.5 billion in 2015, both huge increases from 10 billion spent in 2013. Refer to the following chart for more information.


Mobile advertising is about to become bigger than ever. Beyond the increasing need for a reliable mobile app, companies are also faced with the task of effectively advertising through mobile devices to customers who are getting used to having all the information they need whenever and wherever they need it. Furthermore, the information needs to be clear, concise and easy to access. To rise above the competition, you also need to be engaging and clever.

Over the past several years, there has been a rash of do-it-yourself mobile app builders pop up on the Internet, trying to effectively get their share of the pie. They promise quick and easy solutions that often simplify the complexities of developing a high end, reliable mobile app. While it certainly presents an option, it might be a far cry from the best option, which would be the hiring of a professional mobile app development company. For starters, online mobile app builders tend to limit choices when it comes to functionality and graphics, as they don’t have the resources to fully understand client needs, often settling for the easiest solution available. If a company wants to build a competitive mobile app in today’s marketplace, they need a mobile advertising strategy that truly works with your their company to develop the best product possible.

A professional mobile app design studio brings more to the table than the building of an app. They are able to quickly and efficiently help clients make the right decisions. It’s a mistake to think that building a mobile app is as easy as building a standard website. It’s not. The mobile app design industry is dynamic due to constant changes in popular operating systems such as Blackberry, iOS, Android and Windows. Design studios stand at the ready to make needed changes on the fly and keep up with the changing platforms and upgrades of today’s technology.

Some of the other value added services provided by professional mobile app design studios include analytical tools to track customer trends, communication tools for easy interactions with customers and creative video/audio/graphic features that make a company standout amongits competitors. This is where companies can really benefit from developing a popular app that their target market uses. More importantly, the design studio is there to make sure the app is performing at peak levels as the marketplace continues to evolve. To get a better picture, visit Clearbridgemobile.com and you can quickly see the differences between mobile app development companies. An integrated company that offers technical and creative skills can often yield the best results.

The expertise that a professional design team brings to a project is invaluable. At all levels, these teams of well-trained technicians will be able to make important decisions that will assure that each mobile app is all that it should be. That includes using the right design tools (Native vs. HTML5), targeting the right audience with the right features and design, and helping the client determine the best way to market the app.

At the end of the day, a professional design team is able to work closely with the client in order to build an app that is both effective and useful. All of these advantages point to one important revelation: hiring a professional mobile app design studio is the only way to ensure that an app is going to not only perform correctly, but deliver the user experience that your company had in mind.


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