Buying a New Car

Buying a new car comes with some advantages over buying a used car. Alan from says, “While the cost will be higher, the service you get will be far superior, and you can ensure that it’s cared for properly”. However, there are a few techniques that can cut the cost of your purchase significantly. Here are a few tips to consider. ​

Buying a New CarDon’t Be Afraid to Walk Away

Dealers only make money when they sell a car, so you’re in a strong position if you already have a car that functions. Dealers will go to great lengths to get the most out of you, and many will claim that they simply can’t drop the price any further. If you’re willing to walk away, you won’t get caught spending more than you have to. It can be frustrating to leave the dealership without a car, but those who are willing to come back another day will eventually find a better deal.

Take Your Time

Dealers also don’t make money talking to customers; they make money by making sales. While they are willing to spend time with customers, they want to get a signature so they can get their commission. By taking your time and being persistent, you might be able to get a sales agent to cut a deal simply so that he or she can move on to the next customer. Dealers hate telling potential buyers that they’ll stop talking to them. Take advantage of this fact.

Enlist Help

One tactic that is gaining popularity is having a friend act as your agent. When you shop for a car, the sales agent will have a number of ways to get you to pay a bit more than you wanted. Your enlisted representative will be immune to these tactics. While this technique might take a little longer, the savings can be substantial, and it can prevent you from spending more than you initially budgeted.

Negotiate Up

Instead of starting with the sticker price and negotiating down, start with the invoice price and negotiate up. When you do so, the sales agent will know that you’re knowledgeable about car prices, and he or she will be less likely to hold out and demand higher payment. This also allows you to negotiate in good faith since you’re essentially determining how much a commission the agent will receive. Many find that this technique helps to shorten negotiations significantly. It also feels like a more authentic process.

Be Confident

There is no need to be intimidated at the dealership, and you’re ultimately in control. Be confident, and don’t let sales agents intimidate you. Feel free to sit back and think; there’s no time limit. However, you’ll want to avoid coming across as arrogant or rude. The sales process can be a pleasant one even though both parties have different goals. Buying a new car can be exciting, but sales agents often use this excitement to sell cars at a higher cost than is necessary. By following the tips above, doing some homework and being prepared to walk away from bad deals, you can lower the cost of your new car significantly.

Alan at brings the highest quality car products and accessories to the web. Follow them on Twitter!